Consider us your source of all the news you need, because if you need to know about it, we’ll post it right here.
Please be sure to read through our latest weekly newsletter located here on the News page. We will continue to add to this information, so please check back often!
Please join us for our next PTO meeting on Thursday, February 27 at 3:30 p.m. in the staff room. We hope to see you there!
Our school book fair will take place on Wednesday, March 19 through Monday, March 24. All purchases through the book fair benefit our school. Please visit our Book Fair page for more information. Thanks for supporting our kids, and happy reading!
Mohawk Trail SEPAC will hold a meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m. They will also meet for a virtual parent coffee hour on Friday, February 28 at 9:00 a.m.
Join us for a lasagna dinner night on Friday, February 28 benefitting Nature's Classroom's class trips. Tickets are $10.00, or $7.00 for children 12 and under. You may purchase them from any fifth or sixth grader or at the school.
Students will serve the dinner which includes lasagna, salad, a garlic roll, a drink, and dessert. Pre-orders and to-go orders are available.
There is no school on Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21 for our February Break. School resumes on Monday, February 24. Have a safe and enjoyable break!
I am pleased to announce that we have hired a permanent music teacher. She will be shadowing Ms. Julie next week and then will begin teaching on February 3. I want to deeply thank Julie for filling in as our long term sub while we looked to fill the position. She will be missed!
MTRS is putting on a spring musical on May 2 and 3, 2025. We want to involve students in grades five and six in this show. At this stage, we want to find out who might be interested.
In January, Director Paul will schedule a meeting for students in grades five and six at MTRS to see which roles students will take in the show. We will also hold a parent information meeting in January or February with information about rehearsal and an opportunity to ask Director Paul logistical questions.
We are limiting places to the first fifteen students who sign up on our spring musical interest form.
If you have questions, please reach out to Director Paul via email.
Please have your child check the lost and found. We are building quite a collection of sweatshirts, water bottles, coats, shoes, boots, and socks. We would love to reunite these items with their owners.
There are a lot of opportunities for athletic events coming up this winter. Please see the options in our newsletter.
Buy a ticket for the calendar raffle. There's a chance to win every day!The tickets are $5.00, and there are 20 chances to win. All winners will be notified the day of the drawing. The items will need to be picked up at the school between school hours. Good luck, and thank you for your support.
Our district updates have a new name! We hope you'll find our regular MTRSD S'Updates to help keep you informed throughout the school year. Check back often for the latest going on in our schools.
- Check back soon!
Thank you for visiting our website! We always have a lot going on here at Colrain Central School. Be sure to check back often!